Join The FAB LEAP & Put Yourself Out There

The community where entrepreneurs and professionals learn about visual personal brand, figure out how to communicate visually, reclaim their time, expand their impact, and build friendships.





Photographed People


Hours of Content




Get out of your funk and find your motivation to SHOW UP & really take action. Co-creation with our experts and your peer Leopards will help you actually leverage your PERSONAL BRAND to help your business increase sales.

Every month

Are you tired of trying to fit your learning into a rigid schedule? With our FAB pre-recorded videos and personalized guides, you can access your education anytime, anywhere, and on your terms. Discover the freedom of self-paced learning that perfectly matches your busy lifestyle. Get ready to unleash the power of convenience and flexibility like never before!

✓ Access to the Visual Personal Brand Strategy COURSE
✓ 10+ hours of pre-recorded WEBINARS
✓ Our collection of easy-to-read practical GUIDES
✓ Exclusive invites to our Leap OFFLINE meet-ups & EVENTS
BLACK Leopard
Every month

Do you want live access to the FAB SQUAD TEAM and all the Leopards in the Leap? This is the one for you. Get ready to take your personal brand journey to the next level with Black Leopard membership! Put in the work TOO, interact, and you'll discover a supportive network ready to elevate you to new horizons. Our focus is on personal brand development, and we offer a full range of practical ways to help you thrive.

✓ Access to our LIVE WEBINARS
✓ Interactive WhatsApp COMMUNITY
✓ Feedback for the bimonthly CHALLENGES
✓ Ongoing support and community NETWORKING
✓ All the features offered in the African Leopard tier
AMUR Leopard
Every 6 months

Feeling alone and overwhelmed by business or personal branding challenges that seem impossible to overcome? We get it! Gain access to THREE 1:1 DEDICATED MEETINGS WITH IOANA that are designed to help you feel more comfortable and confident. And you will have access to ALL OUR RESOURCES for six months without any stress. Jump-start your business now!

✓ 3 x ONE HOUR 1:1 meetings with Ioana
✓ Personal brand AUDIT
✓ Personalized business & brand ACCELERATION
✓ 10% DISCOUNT on all our services
✓ All the features of the African and Black Leopard tiers

Meet the Team

  • FAB Workshops & Courses

    Unlock your full potential with our exclusive collection of workshops and courses designed to accelerate your personal and professional growth. Our programs will give you the tools and knowledge you need to take your visual brand to the next level and stand out in today's competitive market. Discover new ways to shine and achieve the success you deserve!

  • FAB Guides

    Are you ready to master the art of visual personal branding? Look no further than our exceptional FAB guides - your ultimate path to success! These guides are jam-packed with expert knowledge and insights, taking you on an extraordinary adventure, from perfecting personal brand photography to selecting the ideal color palette and beyond.

  • ONLINE webinars with Ioana & Experts

    Why go it alone when you can join forces with a tribe of like-minded people? In our exclusive member area, you'll get a front-row seat to our thrilling monthly online get-togethers. Hang out with the fabulous Ioana and other passionate members who share your love for entrepreneurship and visual personal branding.

  • Personal Brand Challenges

    Our challenges are designed to enhance your online communication skills and assist you in creating compelling social media posts that reflect your unique brand. We will present you with a new challenge that is specifically tailored to help you overcome common personal branding hurdles and distinguish yourself from the competition. Participating in these challenges will teach you how to communicate more effectively online, build trust with your audience, and establish yourself as an industry authority.

  • FAB WhatsApp Community

    Exclusive to BLACK and AMUR Leopards

    Are you ready to join the coolest corner of the digital universe? the FAB WhatsApp Group, of course! Here, you can interact with our FAB SQUAD team and other leopards. This is not your ordinary group; it is a vibrant community of creators, innovators, and go-getters. Connect with like-minded individuals and embark on a journey towards inspiration and shared success. Your ideas and voice matter, and we are excited to hear them.

  • Website Reviews

    Exclusive to BLACK and AMUR Leopards

    Explore Vlad's website reviews, a dedicated section where he evaluates websites and offers constructive feedback to improve user experience and achieve business objectives. His extensive analysis covers crucial aspects of website design, such as layout, structure, visuals, typography, responsiveness, and SEO optimization. Whether you're a business owner or professional, following his recommendations can help you achieve your online goals and stand out in the digital world.

You are in the right place if this sounds like you

Mind-reading fails: Figuring out what my audience wants is like attempting mind-reading with a blindfold on. How can I understand their needs and desires to tailor my visual personal brand effectively? I need more than just a crystal ball and a magic wand for this one!


Invisible in a sea of social media: I'm lost in the social media abyss. I post stuff, but it feels like no one even notices. How can I stand out and get people to actually pay attention to my personal brand?


Picture perfect? Not even close: Every time someone takes a photo of me, I end up looking like a potato with eyes. How can I take better pictures that make me look professional and approachable, instead of like a camera-shy disaster?


Talking in circles: I struggle to articulate my ideas clearly and confidently. I often find myself stumbling over words or going off on tangents. How can I communicate effectively to convey my personal brand without sounding like a babbling fool?


DIY design disasters: I've tried creating my own logo and website, but it looks like a 5-year-old's finger-painting project. How can I design a visually appealing brand identity without making people want to gouge their eyes out?


Social media stage fright: The thought of putting myself out there on social media terrifies me. What if I say something stupid or embarrass myself? How can I overcome this fear and confidently share my personal brand with the world?


The curse of inconsistency: My personal brand is all over the place. I've got one vibe on LinkedIn, another on Instagram, and I don't even want to talk about my TikTok disasters. How can I maintain consistency across different platforms and make sure my brand shines through?


Becoming a background character: I'm tired of being overshadowed by others. How can I position myself as an authority and expert in my field so that people start recognizing me instead of seeing me as just another face in the crowd?


A case of imposter syndrome: I constantly feel like a fraud. Who am I to claim expertise and build a personal brand? How can I overcome imposter syndrome and embrace my unique qualities and skills?


Lost in a sea of competitors: It seems like everyone and their grandma is trying to build a personal brand these days. How can I differentiate myself and stand out from the crowd? I don't want to be just another drop in the ocean of personal branding madness!


Feeling like a walking fashion disaster: Ugh, my wardrobe is a mess! I have no clue how to dress in a way that reflects my personal brand. It's like I'm constantly stuck in a bad '80s fashion time warp. Help!


Networking nightmares: The thought of attending networking events makes my palms sweaty and my heart race. How can I overcome my social anxiety and build meaningful connections that can boost my personal brand? It's like trying to navigate a maze with a blindfold on and a fear of running into awkward small talk dead ends!


What members say:

What members say:

Cristina Buraga

Fab Leap is first of all a cool and fabulous community of pure entrepreneurs created and nurtured by Ioana and her team.

From my first introduction to the group I appreciated the involvement of Ioana and Vlad in matters like branding, visuals, understanding how social media platforms work and how they can help us express our true self.

Andreea Popa

Before I found Fab Leap, I tried a few international communities, but I always felt disconnected and unsupported. Lost in a sea of people, following a content full of information, but not necessarily practical and addressed to my problems.

Fortunately, FabLeap was announced, and I was over the moon! I have known Ioana for a while and I can tell you, everything she does is FABulous! So, I didn't think twice before joining. It was the best decision I have made! FabLeap is more than just a community for me; it's a safe place where I have learned to express myself visually and communicate my message to my audience effectively. I feel more confident with my content and I am always receiving the right support from the community. Finding like-minded people and constantly communicating with them just makes me feel like I am part of something special. FabLeap offers amazing guides, courses, feedback, and challenges that push me further to bring out the best in me.

Oh, and the fact that there are actual in-person events? - that's just fantastic!

Alexandra Tătar


When they announced that they will launch FabSquad Fab Leap Community I made a note in my calendar, I think it was June 1st. I knew this is something that I don’t want to miss out.

What I love about this people is that they are humans and that you interact extremely easy if you need help, you get knowledge that you can apply fairly easy and connections. I was personally helped many time by Ioana, Vlad and Ana and I am extremely grateful for them.

Also… I met so many amazing women in this tribe! This is truly a project that you don’t want to miss out if you are looking to grow your business and be with likeminded peeps ♥

And most probably this is just the beginning for their amazing journey!

Ioana Streza

What I love about The Leap:

Ioana - empowering, always ready to help in a personal and applied way, the people - a super friendly, diverse and inspirational community with whom I know I can learn and grow, the information - practical, relevant and easy to access.

Also I definitely must add that as an introvert, it is really amazing how I look forward to every Leap community meeting :)

Ioana Guică

Eat To Connect

I love people, I love gatherings, I love communities. FAB Leap is for me the place where I feel safe to express my ideas, where I am seen and encouraged to show myself more. There are so many opportunities to grow as a woman and also as entrepreneur – we have access to challenges, to feedback, to workshops, ressources, support and inspiration from the whole community, not only from Ioana, Vlad and Ana. Being part of FAB Leap gives me the courage to take more steps, to act, even when I am afraid. And the more steps I take, the more opportunities arise – like collaborations with other Faboulous members, or a place to test my ideas. I am so grateful for all the amazing people I’ve met here, and thank you Ioana for your support, that I’ve received from the first photo you’ve took. I feel that once you enter the Fab Squad Studio someone has your back, wherever your road will take you. Thank you!


  • The FAB LEAP is a community where people will learn more about visual personal branding and the steps to get there while having access to Ioana and her team during the seminars and on the WhatsApp group. A LEAP is also a group of LEOPARDS, and so will you be - sprinting for success.

  • The FAB LEAP is for entrepreneurs and professionals all over the world who want to connect to other like-minded individuals, learn from a team of personal brand architects, and be the first to know about the FAB offers courses, and events. We have been a community silently - it is high time we become official.

  • The FAB LEAP has a monthly / yearly subscription model that gets you access to parts of our creative community.

  • We certainly do.

  • Once registered you’ll be able to join the FAB Leap WhatsApp Community where we have subgroups for challenges, promos and colabs as well as casual Fridays on the big group where we meet and greet, know each other and exchange ideas.

  • Not really. Just be a kind and FAB LEOPARD. In the WhatsApp Community, we have some rules - written in the description.

  • Yes, of course :) You can always unsubscribe, but we hope it will become addictive.




Every month

Are you tired of trying to fit your learning into a rigid schedule? With our FAB pre-recorded videos and personalized guides, you can access your education anytime, anywhere, and on your terms. Discover the freedom of self-paced learning that perfectly matches your busy lifestyle. Get ready to unleash the power of convenience and flexibility like never before!

✓ Access to the Visual Personal Brand Strategy COURSE
✓ 10+ hours of pre-recorded WEBINARS
✓ Our collection of easy-to-read practical GUIDES
✓ Exclusive invites to our Leap OFFLINE meet-ups & EVENTS
BLACK Leopard
Every month

Do you want live access to the FAB SQUAD TEAM and all the Leopards in the Leap? This is the one for you. Get ready to take your personal brand journey to the next level with Black Leopard membership! Put in the work TOO, interact, and you'll discover a supportive network ready to elevate you to new horizons. Our focus is on personal brand development, and we offer a full range of practical ways to help you thrive.

✓ Access to our LIVE WEBINARS
✓ Interactive WhatsApp COMMUNITY
✓ Feedback for the bimonthly CHALLENGES
✓ Ongoing support and community NETWORKING
✓ All the features offered in the African Leopard tier
AMUR Leopard
Every 6 months

Feeling alone and overwhelmed by business or personal branding challenges that seem impossible to overcome? We get it! Gain access to THREE 1:1 DEDICATED MEETINGS WITH IOANA that are designed to help you feel more comfortable and confident. And you will have access to ALL OUR RESOURCES for six months without any stress. Jump-start your business now!

✓ 3 x ONE HOUR 1:1 meetings with Ioana
✓ Personal brand AUDIT
✓ Personalized business & brand ACCELERATION
✓ 10% DISCOUNT on all our services
✓ All the features of the African and Black Leopard tiers